Legacy of the Witch/UnTarot Kickstarter

The Kickstarter for Legacy of the Witch and the UnTarot deck by SinC Colorado member Kirsten Weiss is live and runs through the end of the month!

Backers can get:

• The 54 card full-color UnTarot deck in a black satin pouch plus an instruction booklet describing the cards and how to read them.
• The UnTarot app (I’ve been giving this away for free to anyone who wants it, but figured I’d include it here as well).
• Advance copy of the Legacy of the Witch ebook.
• PDF: Annotated version of Legacy of the Witch
• Digital copy of Witches’ Wisdom Unveiled
• PDF: Witchcraft in Pennsylvania is a Thing!
• Two Bonus Witch MysteriesA Witch Called Wanda by Diana Orgain and Pleating for Mercy by Melissa Bourbon.

You can explore this mysterious Kickstarter HERE.
