
About Membership

Sisters in Crime members are writers, readers, booksellers, librarians, bloggers, and others with an appreciation for the mystery genre who promote the ongoing advancement, recognition, and professional development of women crime writers.

Sisters in Crime Code of Conduct

We invite you to join our Colorado chapter!

Quarterly meetings are typically held in February, June, August and November but can change due to scheduling conflicts. The best way to stay informed about meetings is to sign up for website/announcement updates or join our chapter and sign up for the list.

Our meeting events are held at the Douglas County Library at 10055 Library Way, Lone Tree, CO 80124; field trips take us to other exciting locations around the state. Colorado chapter membership runs from January to December, and dues are only $20.00 per calendar year. (Dues paid between October and December will include the following year’s membership.)

Colorado chapter members must belong to the national Sisters in Crime organization.   Benefits of national membership include quarterly newsletters; monthly digests of mystery news business; national listserv; variety of member discounts (including Writers Police Academy); link to your titles in WorldCat; institutional presence at conferences, festivals, and other book events; networking, mentoring, community, and fun! To join national, please visit National dues are $50.

To join the Colorado chapter, please fill out the Membership Form below.  When you click “Submit,” you will see “Message Sent–Go Back,” which means your application has been successfully submitted. If you would like to pay your dues via PayPal, please use the button on the sidebar here. If you’d like to pay by check, please wait for your welcome email for instructions, typically sent within 48 hours  after you have submitted the form.

Please sign up for the chapter listserv immediately (instructions are in your welcome letter) so that you’ll receive all chapter communications; also, please follow this website (see sidebar) to have event announcements delivered right to your inbox!

Information provided through this form is for Membership purposes only and will not be distributed or displayed to the public. Thank you!